
Soluciones Turisticas Sostenibles Centroamerica Asesorias Consultorias Soluciones Turisticas Sostenibles Mercadeo Turistico

The continuos increased of tourist growth reported by the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) and the bodies responsible for promoting and regulating the development of tourism in each country, leading to the need for ever more interventions which promote the implementation of sustainable tourism as the only alternative to address urgent issues, also related to local development, such as climate change, eradicating poverty and hunger, promoting gender equality and empowering women, combating trafficking and sexual abuse of adults / children, ensuring environmental sustainability and developing a global partnership for development. Such interventions, considering the need for comprehensive and complementary development where services or the tourist activities are linked to each other, require the participation of public-private sectors, involved in developing tourism in a territorial space.

Similarly, central and local governments determine their interventions in the territories, considering plans or government programs aimed among others to fulfill their newest commitments now to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, and their own affairs in a National / Local order (2015+15). This includes the development of economic activities such as tourism in each territorial area where this is developed or may be developed.


At the international, national and local territorial context our interventions incorporate approaches that encourage proposals for sustainable tourism development models, with the purpose of positioning them as recognized destinations, for tourists interested in environment, culture and communities. The preceding implies related interventions such as:

1) Territorial Planning, 2) Design of Routes and Circuits, 3) Design Strategic Policy (includes the analysis and evaluation of regulatory frameworks for Sustainable Tourism Development), 4) Policy Incidence 5) Destination brands , 6) Marketing , Destination Management and Development, 7) Design and implementation of quality programs, 8) Knowledge Management, 9) Business Plan, 10) Organizational Strengthening (Includes companies diagnostic, SMEs, Micro Enterprises, Cooperative Consortia, Associations, Cooperatives, Networks, Federations, etc.), 11) Strategic Plans, 12) Value Chain Analysis, 13) Projects Formulation and Evaluation, 14) Marketing & Trading (includes the Organization and Participation of Wheels Business, and National and International Fairs), 15) Organization and Logistics Event, 16) Sustainable Tourism Product Development, 18) Procedures Manual and 19) training programs and technical assistance support.

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Sustainable Tourism Solutions

Central America | Emails: info@solucionturisticasostenible.com | robertobacaplazaola@yahoo.com
Costa Rica: +506 8353-0358 | Panamá: +507 6545-4553 | Nicaragua: +505 7808-2664
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